A Better Entrepreneur | Nicola Cairncross
NicolaCairncross | A Better Entrepreneur
25 Entrepreneurs Secrets Learned In 25 Years (In Under 25 Minutes)

25 Entrepreneurs Secrets Learned In 25 Years (In Under 25 Minutes)

Veteran online business owner & marketing mentor Nicola Cairncross shares the '25 Biggest Entrepreneurs Secrets' she's learned in her 25 years of building successful online businesses (& mentoring thousands of others to do the same).

#entrepreneurs #entrepreneurship #entrepreneurlife

1:15 What kind of entrepreneurs are you?
2:22 Get in front of a hungry crowd - especially in a recession
3:28 Sell to their 'wants, don’t try & educate your customer
4:30 Your ideal client or customer
5:31 What would you do if you weren't getting paid?
6:04 How to run your money
7:10 The 2-Page Business Plan & Timeline To Avoid Burnout
8:17 Be authentic & have integrity
9:04 Give your expertise away freely
9:36 Know the difference (employees v entrepreneurs)
10:33 Motivation
11:11 Tests or hoops
11:35 Make it easy for people to buy
12:14 Create a ‘how we do it here’ manual
14:16 Create products from your knowledge
14:45 Nobody cares
15:24 Be everywhere online
16:10 Outsource everything you can’t do
16:27 Only keep the bits only you can do
17:15 Someone else’s happiness
17:58 Your bank manager & accountant
18:10 Attract amazing mentors
19:00 Pay yourself well
19:30 Take profits & reinvest personally in other sectors
20:05 Learn to tell the future Bonus: Five incredible extra resources here on YouTube

Online Diary

Not Ready? Here Are All The Ways I Can Help You...

Hi, I'm Nicola Cairncross and I've been a self-employed freelancer & business founder for over 25+ years now. Whether you are a seasoned business owner or you are new to the world of entrepreneurship, I know I can help you - because I've been there. Every business I've started, I've marketed online, from scratch, with barely any budget.

Watch Nicola In Action Live Here   

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A Better Entrepreneur | Nicola Cairncross
NicolaCairncross | A Better Entrepreneur
Nicola Cairncross started online in 1995 with nothing but a book about building websites at the age of 38. She bought her family's names as her first domains in 1995 and since then has witnessed - and executed on - the arrival of blogging, Twitter & Facebook, YouTube and podcasting. She has vast experience of marketing many “real world” businesses online, Nicola now lives in Shoreham, and visits Greece whenever she can, but travels the world, consulting and creating digital marketing strategies for solo business owners and SME’s. For the more modest business budget, Nicola loves helping aspiring online business owners be more successful via her online Community. Visit Nicola at NicolaCairnX.com and find out more.