A Better Entrepreneur With Nicola Cairncross
A Better Entrepreneur
A Better Entrepreneur | Chapter 6

A Better Entrepreneur | Chapter 6

Getting headhunted, hiring a coach & meeting Gill Fielding


In Chapter 6, a veritable flood of influential people and mentors start coming into my life!

I get headhunted, hire 'business coach' Rachel Turner, meet C4's 'Secret Millionaire' Gill Fielding and go into business with her, start ArtistManager.com and go to Las Vegas twice in two years - once for free!

Could things finally be on the up?

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(Don’t forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE & SHARE - it really helps the Channel grow and I need it because I did a big cull of not-so-great videos and numbers are down right now!)

What Going On?

I’ve started writing my new book about my own entrepreneur's journey. Tentatively entitled 'Become A Better Entrepreneur (25 Little Known Lessons For Success)'. Each chapter will have a bit of my story; the highs, the lows, the drama, lessons learned and a resource for each lesson.

So...are you ready? Strap in!

If you would like to get onto the VIP Review List, just visit https://ABetterEntrepreneur.com and enter your name and email, I'll send you the lessons to go with each Chapter, as I write them.

If you would like a signed copy of the book when ready, and you promise to write a review on Amazon, just add your address.

#entrepreneursjourney #betterentrepreneur #entrepreneurship

If you are following along, I’d love some feedback.
More of something? Less on something?

Talk soon!


p.s. When you are ready, there are three ways I can help your business:

  1. Download my book ‘Attract 3.0’ here at NicolaCairnX.com). Then, if you would like to discuss how my Digital Marketing Consultancy can help your business sell more online, just book yourself into my diary for an initial chat about your business

  2. Not ready for that yet? Discover how to ‘Be Everywhere Online’ and turbocharge your marketing with my support, by joining ClicksAndLeads.academy

  3. Or if you just want some help with your WordPress Website check out WPExpertUK.com

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Mindset | Marketing | Money

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A Better Entrepreneur With Nicola Cairncross
A Better Entrepreneur
A raging entreprneeur herself from the age of 8, Nicola is fascinated with what makes entrepreneurs tick. After many years failing in the real world, Nicola started online at the age of 35, in 1995 with nothing but a book about building websites using HTML. She bought her family's names as her first domains in 1995 and since then has witnessed - and executed on - the arrival of blogging, Twitter & Facebook, YouTube and podcasting. She has vast experience of marketing many “real world” businesses online, Nicola now lives in Shoreham, and visits Greece whenever she can, but travels the world, consulting and creating digital marketing strategies for solo business owners and SME’s. For the more modest business budget, Nicola loves helping aspiring online business owners be more successful via her online Community. Visit Nicola at NicolaCairnX.com and find out more.