A Better Entrepreneur With Nicola Cairncross
A Better Entrepreneur
Easy & Fun: Passion Projects

Easy & Fun: Passion Projects

Afternoon! Have you ever thought of a great ‘fun’ business project which you would love to get started on, but you shelved it because you ‘need to make some real money’ first?

I know someone who has spent the last 12 years saying that to themselves and just this week, another client said something very similar to me.

A chance comment to me by MY business mentor made me wonder if I’ve been doing the same?

Think on this…

What if YOUR passion project idea could be the one that actually made you the real money, but it was also easy, fun and brought joy in your life?


Better dust off my Swagger & Soul project, tout suite!

#businesscoach #digitalmarketingtips #entrepreneurship

Prefer to read? Visit my blog over at NicolaCairnX.com/blog to find this week’s topics.

Till next week!

Warm regards


P.S. When you are ready, here's how I can help you:

  1. My book ‘A Better Entrepreneur’ is a great warts-and-all introduction, a business memoir plus the Top 25 lessons I learned along the way. 

  2. Visit my YouTube Channel or Podcast for weekly free content.

  3. Check out my 'Magnetic Content Challenge' or my 'Better Entrepreneur Challenge'.  Both come with loads of personal support from me. Or enjoy both and even more by joining my Extraordinary Entrepreneurs Club!

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A Better Entrepreneur With Nicola Cairncross
A Better Entrepreneur
A raging entreprneeur herself from the age of 8, Nicola is fascinated with what makes entrepreneurs tick. After many years failing in the real world, Nicola started online at the age of 35, in 1995 with nothing but a book about building websites using HTML. She bought her family's names as her first domains in 1995 and since then has witnessed - and executed on - the arrival of blogging, Twitter & Facebook, YouTube and podcasting. She has vast experience of marketing many “real world” businesses online, Nicola now lives in Shoreham, and visits Greece whenever she can, but travels the world, consulting and creating digital marketing strategies for solo business owners and SME’s. For the more modest business budget, Nicola loves helping aspiring online business owners be more successful via her online Community. Visit Nicola at NicolaCairnX.com and find out more.