A Better Entrepreneur With Nicola Cairncross
A Better Entrepreneur
Law Of Attraction Deep Dive, Personality Profiling, Part 5 Andy Shaw Interview

Law Of Attraction Deep Dive, Personality Profiling, Part 5 Andy Shaw Interview


Ever wondered why some people skyrocket to success while others seem perpetually stuck? What if the key lies not in hard work alone but in the power of your thoughts and intentions?

Join me on a transformative journey as we uncover how the law of attraction can shape your business success. Influenced by my financially savvy friend Em and Stephen Covey's "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People," I recount my 25-year journey in the business world, marked by remarkable successes and daunting setbacks like the 2008 financial crisis.

This episode offers a front-row seat to the principles that helped me—and can help you—reprogram your mindset for sustained success. Harnessing the law of attraction isn't just about wishful thinking; it's about setting clear goals, cultivating a positive mindset, and taking inspired action.

Learn practical steps such as visualization, creating vision boards, and journaling to align your thoughts and actions with your business aspirations. Discover how daily practices and creating a positive environment can significantly impact your success, supported by real-life examples and insights from successful peers.

Ever heard of Myers-Briggs, the Colby A Index, or Wealth Dynamics? These personality profiling tools have not only optimized my workflow but also guided me in choosing the right entrepreneurial paths. As we explore the impact of global issues like geopolitical mistakes and the importance of discernment in today's information age, we maintain an optimistic outlook for the future.

Tune in to grasp the bigger picture, stay ahead in uncertain times, and learn how to apply these transformative principles to your own business journey.

Then this episode rounds off with Part 5 - the final part - of my interview with the aforementioned Andy Shaw and we are up to the part where he talks about the financial storm that is coming, how entrepreneurs are both super vulnerable to the impact of what is going to happen and best placed to benefit from it. It’s all about learning how the wealth cycles work. Andy shares what he is doing personally to position him and his family to not just survive but thrive the next decade.

Find Andy’s books on Amazon and his series of articles on ‘How To Discern Well - Part 1’ here. Also, check out his excellent series of articles on ‘How To Overcome All Fears’.

Prefer to read? Visit my blog over at NicolaCairnX.com/blog to find this week’s topics.

Till next week!

Warm regards


P.S. When you are ready, here's how I can help you:

  1. My book 'A Better Entrepreneur' is a great warts-and-all introduction, a business memoir plus the Top 25 lessons I learned along the way.  My blog usually has some good articles on it too.

  2. The YouTube Channel is regularly updated. Here's a quick presentation I did for an entrepreneur's virtual event recently (and there's plenty more on the channel there, so don't forget to subscribe).

  3. Prefer to listen? Subscribe to the podcast via Substack, on YouTube or your usual favourite podcast platform.  Look for 'A Better Entrepreneur' with Nicola Cairncross.

  4. Not sure what you need? Book a free 15-minute Triage Call

  5. Ready to move forward and find the hidden gold in your business? Want more 1:2:1 attention? Check out your 3 main options for working with me here.

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A Better Entrepreneur With Nicola Cairncross
A Better Entrepreneur
A raging entreprneeur herself from the age of 8, Nicola is fascinated with what makes entrepreneurs tick. After many years failing in the real world, Nicola started online at the age of 35, in 1995 with nothing but a book about building websites using HTML. She bought her family's names as her first domains in 1995 and since then has witnessed - and executed on - the arrival of blogging, Twitter & Facebook, YouTube and podcasting. She has vast experience of marketing many “real world” businesses online, Nicola now lives in Shoreham, and visits Greece whenever she can, but travels the world, consulting and creating digital marketing strategies for solo business owners and SME’s. For the more modest business budget, Nicola loves helping aspiring online business owners be more successful via her online Community. Visit Nicola at NicolaCairnX.com and find out more.