A Better Entrepreneur With Nicola Cairncross
A Better Entrepreneur
Networking On Steroids & A Great Product Too

Networking On Steroids & A Great Product Too


Eme booked herself into my diary, but she didn't want help, she wanted to invite me to speak at a Virtual Summit she was organising. It reminded me what a great tool Virtual Summits are and how many things they achieve for the organiser, the speakers and the participants

Watch on YouTube here!

Podast version above or you can catch it on all the usual platforms!

I hope you enjoy it.

Warm regards


p.s. If you could use some quick, intense business mentoring, why not try out one of my 2-Hour Marketing Triage Sessions? Just book a quick 15-minute chat to see if I can help (it’s free for that one and no commitment) by clicking the telephone icon at NicolaCairnX.com

p.p.s. OR if your business is not ready for that yet, check out my mentoring platform ClicksAndLeads.academy

Welcome anytime!

A Better Entrepreneur With Nicola Cairncross
A Better Entrepreneur
A raging entreprneeur herself from the age of 8, Nicola is fascinated with what makes entrepreneurs tick. After many years failing in the real world, Nicola started online at the age of 35, in 1995 with nothing but a book about building websites using HTML. She bought her family's names as her first domains in 1995 and since then has witnessed - and executed on - the arrival of blogging, Twitter & Facebook, YouTube and podcasting. She has vast experience of marketing many “real world” businesses online, Nicola now lives in Shoreham, and visits Greece whenever she can, but travels the world, consulting and creating digital marketing strategies for solo business owners and SME’s. For the more modest business budget, Nicola loves helping aspiring online business owners be more successful via her online Community. Visit Nicola at NicolaCairnX.com and find out more.